Friday, October 3, 2008

Episode 5: Inspiration and Unspiration

This week Megan and Chris make it to the booth without any stumbles or rain. We dedicate the first half of the show to inspirational tales, and the second half to ruining the good feelings from the first half.

We also opened up the hour with our new theme song--thanks goes out to Jessamyn Stanley, WUAG news director, for her vocals!

Direct Link

The first hour was filled with inspiration of people "making it" by getting a new prosthetic leg over a pint. A girl deals with being blind 3 days of every six. "Fusion Man" makes it across the English channel flying "a little bit like a bird." What else made it? Falcon-1 made it. Where? TO SPACE! And finally Clay Aiken came out of the closet. Who knew?

After all the inspiring stories, crime befell the second hour of The News Cruise. A drunken man farted on police officers. "Grade" students making "super-meth?" You bet. A tragic animal crime story was brought to us from Brazil, where a man thought he could get away trafficking 200 birds. One of the best crime stories of them all: Guy uses Craigslist to make a successful armed robbery

To end the hour we discussed a Wall-Streeter turned monk. And finally, The News Cruise made a new enemy of the show: Australian 'Rangas (red heads). Who denies a free trip to the zoo?

To catch our listeners up, here is a reminder of our friends, allies, and enemies that we've made on The News Cruise:

Australian Redheads

Friends & Allies:
"Fusion Man"
Craigslist robber
And the bus driver/driving thief.

As always, if you have questions, comments, news stories, or would like to submit a theme song that you've created (for us, The News Cruise), you can email us at Or tune in every Thursday from 11p-1a on WUAG 103.1 FM where we can be reached by phone (assuming we're not on the air) at 336-334-5450.

Thanks for listening!

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