Saturday, October 18, 2008


The News Cruise is hungry and unamused.

The News Cruise is exciting.

The News Cruise is hard-hitting.

The News Cruise is there for you.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Episode 7: Our New-found Wealth

Megan and Chris make plans to spend their newly-acquired millions in foreign lottery winnings and Nigerian trust fund money. Also, a drunk pony wins the hearts of many.

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We begin with a story discussing the body language of McCain and Obama at the latest debate. Next we talk about the 'Dirty South,' of Wales that is. Iron Maiden's Dead Eddie has his say at town council in Spain.

Google's "Mail Goggle?" It was put to the test and FAILED.

Our cute, tragic, and disgusting animal included new friend of the show, Drunk Pony. Megan and Chris showed their compassion by talking about refusing to talk about an animal cruelty story that happened in Australia. A monkey seeks refuge from a dog. And finally, it's round one: Rabbits vs. Nelson Mandela and it's not looking good for the rabbits.

Megan and Chris talk about what they are going to do with their almost $10,000,000.00 that they have acquired through various online European lotteries and our dear refugee friend who is stuck in Burkina Faso. We would like you to send us an email about what you want to see us do with our money.

In "Crime" three gamers on a path to ectasty are sent to jail. A mentally ill Vermont teen plays cool by tomb raiding for a make a bong.

"Pallin with Palin:" Palin lets loose with her hair. Lookin' good Palin, and we're serious.

And finally we talk about the future of transportation and discuss the practicality of it all, and subtly make a statement about our culture.

That's it for this week's episode, thanks for listening and as always you can send us an questions, comments, news stories, ideas, and theme songs at